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AdWords Campaigns – Beginners Tips

When setting up AdWords campaigns, it’s essential to take the time to do it right. AdWords is an unforgiving advertising method. If you don’t know what you’re doing and don’t set your campaigns up the right way, you will spend a ton of money and won’t make one red cent. But AdWords Campaigns – Beginners Tips can change that.

I highly recommend finding a course or mentor to walk you through the complexities of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising before you just plunk your money and hope for the best. This isn’t Atlantic City.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the keywords you choose for your campaign can make all the difference. Some people make the mistake of trying to use highly competitive keywords related to the market they are in. One- or two-word keywords will get the most traffic, so they are also the most competitive and expensive.

Longer keyword Phrases

Instead, focus your efforts on longer keyword phrases, also called long-tailed keywords. Terms that have 3, 4 or even five words in them. Indeed, they won’t have the exact high monthly searches (though many of them will still get a lot of monthly searches), but they also won’t have the competition and the steep bid prices.

When you have your keywords picked out, you want to ensure that you write an ad that is very relevant to your website or offer wherever you send traffic. Google will penalize you if your ad isn’t relevant since they don’t want their searchers to have an unpleasant experience.

Part of that penalty will be to be charged more per click than someone targeting the same keyword but with a highly relevant ad. How do they determine relevance? Well, for one thing, it’s based on the percentage of clicks your ad gets. Let’s say your ad is displayed a thousand times, but it’s only clicked on once in all those times. Your ad isn’t on target to Google, and they will penalize you.

Major Search Engines

Another thing to remember with all the major search engines is that they can and do, change the rules frequently and whenever they want. So, you could have a highly effective PPC campaign running one day, and the next, they’ve decided that something you are doing is wrong, and they penalize you. That doesn’t happen often, but it’s essential to look for it. Make sure you stay up to date on the terms of service.

It’s also essential for you to test your ads. Run several versions with different headlines, different bodies, etc. Find which combinations work best. Only make one change at a time when you are testing so you can pinpoint what has increased or decreased the effectiveness of the ads.

Successful AdWords campaigns can be a tricky proposition. Just ensure you set up a realistic budget and test, test, test. That is the best way to assure yourself of a profitable campaign by using AdWords campaigns – beginners tips.

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